Age Calculator

This Age Calculator can calculate age between your birthday to a specific day. It will calculate age in Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.

Calculate Age

Age In Years

Age In Months

Age In Days

Includes extra days from leap years

Age In Hours

Includes extra days from leap years

Age In Minutes

Includes extra days from leap years

Age In Seconds

Includes extra days from leap years

What is my age or How old am I today?

Different cultures have different way to calculate age of a person and we have used most common method to calculate age. Most countries use age system where the age of a person that has lived for 7 years and 11 months is 7 and the age will turn to 8 at his/her next birthday one month later. In some cultures, age is calculated by counting years with or without including the current year.

We have also calculated extra day of leap year when we are calculating age in days, hours, minutes and seconds. It means whichever year is having 366 days between “Birth Date” and “To Date” considered.