Acceleration Calculator with Velocity and Time

Calculate Acceleration, Initial Velocity, Final Velocity or Time by providing any three input value to get forth value as output.

To Calculate  

Which type of calculations can be done with Doozy Acceleration Calculator?

You can do 4 type of calculation with this Acceleration Calculator. You should have any three input values to get fourth output value. First select what to calculate from “To Calculate” drop down.

  • To calculate Acceleration, provide input with Initial Velocity, Final Velocity and Time in selected unit.
  • To calculate Initial Velocity, provide input with Acceleration, Final Velocity and Time in selected unit.
  • To calculate Final Velocity, provide input with Acceleration, Initial Velocity and Time in selected unit.
  • To calculate Time, provide input with Acceleration, Initial velocity and Final Velocity in selected unit.

What is Acceleration in Physics?

The rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Acceleration is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction. It is also the second derivative of position with respect to time or it is the first derivative of velocity with respect to time.

According to Newton’s second law, acceleration is directly proportional to the summation of all forces that act on an object and inversely proportional to its mass. If different forces are pushing an object, you need to work out what they add up to (they may be working in different directions), and then divide the resulting net force by your object’s mass.

Difference between Acceleration and Velocity

Acceleration is defined as the change in the velocity of an object with respect to time

Velocity is defined as the speed of an object in a particular direction

What is Acceleration Formula in Physics?

Acceleration Formula:
a = ( vf - vi ) / t
Also Known As:
a = Δv / t


  • a is the acceleration in meter per second squared (m / s2)
  • vf is the final velocity in meter per second (m / s)
  • vi is the initial velocity in meter per second (m / s)
  • t is the time interval in seconds (s)
  • Δv is the change in the velocity ( vf – vi) in meter per second (m / s)

acceleration = ( final velocity - initial velocity ) / time

Acceleration Examples

Example #1: A bus is moving with a constant velocity, v = 10 m/s. The driver stops for diesel and the bus accelerates forward. After 22 seconds, the driver stops accelerating to maintain a constant velocity, v = 35 m/s. What is the bus’s acceleration?

Answer: 1.13636 m/s2 Acceleration

Initial Velocity (vi) = 10 m/s
Final Velocity (vf) = 35 m/s
Time (s)= 22 seconds

Acceleration Formula:
acceleration = ( final velocity - initial velocity ) / time
acceleration = ( 35 - 10 ) / 22 = 1.13636 m/s2

Example #2: The Ball is dropped from the second floor if the ball takes 25 seconds before hitting the ground. The acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.80 m.s-2. What is the Final Velocity of the ball?

Answer: 245.0 m/s Final Velocity

Initial Velocity (vi)= 0 m/s
Acceleration due to gravity (a) = g = 9.80 m/s2
Time(t) = 25 seconds
Final Velocity (vf) = ?? m/s

Final Velocity Formula (modified from acceleration):
final velocity= initial velocity + (acceleration * time)
Final Velocity (vf) = 0 + ( 9.80 x 25 ) = 245.0 m/s